
“As a coach, you got me to dream big and push those dreams down into reality to the point that I'm actively working on a future for myself I could only imagine a short time ago. With the mental fitness coaching, I have gained so much insight into my work and private life that has enabled me to view things from a completely different perspective. I have grown courage, self esteem and more self confidence through my coaching sessions with you. As a result, I have taken on more significant projects and initiatives at work and improved as a people leader. Peers and employees come to me for advice. In my personal life, I have been able to open new opportunities for myself and see gifts in my day to day interactions with friends, family and coworkers. I see everything from a place of positivity. Working with you has truly been a great gift.”

— ML

“Catherine came into my life when I was a young lady, in college. Her passion to help young women grow and develop into successful strong women is what made me who I am today. She mentored me and supported me through the good and the bad and never judged my choices. She continued to praise me and encourage me to find who I am and be proud of my identity.”

— RP

“Catherine, you ask great questions! I think your curious and inquisitive nature have helped me dig beyond my comfort zone and discover what I really want. I also love your caring & supportive approach. Thank you Catherine for sharing your gift with me!”

— TD

“I'm so grateful for the genuine way you can connect with people.  No matter the issue, you can see all angles and give honest, sound options and advice.  You encouraged me to be my true self with no judgement.  You helped me to focus on my strengths and use them to manoeuvre through challenging situations at work.  You are amazing!.”

— KP

“Catherine has been a colleague and mentor throughout my 35 + years in the insurance industry.   I have always valued our relationship of open and honest communication.  Catherine is inspiring, positive, a solid sounding board and confidential, with no judgements imposed.   Her genuine nature, experience and interest to help others succeed shines through every time.”

— Cathy